Downloading ChronOS Linux

From ChronOS Linux

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Linux Kernel

Create a directory to keep your ChronOS-related code in, and navigate to it.

mkdir chronos
cd chronos 

Download the 3.0.24 kernel to your chronos directory.


Everything Else (PREEMPT_RT and ChronOS Kernel Patches, Userspace Libraries, etc.)

Download the latest version of the ChronOS archive which contains the latest PREEMPT_RT and ChronOS kernel patches, associated libraries, and the middleware test application called sched_test_app from the repository. The current version is ChronOS 3.0.

Extract the contents of this folder and move them to the 'chronos' folder you created above.

tar xf ChronOS_3.0.tar.bz2
mv ChronOS_3.0/* chronos/

Continue with the Installation Guide 3.0.

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